Brightcove is a leading cloud based video delivery service. Their marketing message Feb. 2015:
VIDEO MOVES US — Brightcove offers the most powerful cloud-based video solutions for driving awareness, engagement, and revenue.
Firms bidding on auction for “corporate Video Producer” Feb. 4th 2016.
Kansas video production studio.
“Big city quality Boutique Customer Care” based Marlton NJ.
“powerful pictures” Creative content and branded content. 29th street NY.
Seems like an airbnb type interface for finding video producer/camera operators.
Traicaster maker — not sure why they’re advertising here for this phrase. ARe they selling their equipment or a service too.
Older type site. Seems to be one person/producer/cameraman, editor shop. Even talks about “previous work experience” on About page.
Reel showing sports and celebs & after effects. Web site won’t convert on it’s own.
sizzle reel showing wide range of scripted shoots.
Another animated studio. Web site designed for conversion.
Old chrome & blue web site with videos showing inside an old TV. Studio from Michigan. Reel is typical video.
Firms advertising for Medical Video Production on Google Feb 1. 2015
LA Based animation firm
New Rochelle specializes in Medical. Seems to have analysed WPRNY strategy.
Video Production NYC
Has studio midtown.
Near Madison Sq. Park
LA based company. Video autoplays with man making sales pitch.
Kansas City based firm. Ad optimized for medical.
Chicago based video production no specialty in medical
Seems to be a search site and not a video production company. Ad optimized for medical video production.
Miami based video company
NY Headquartered. Seems to be a PR or agency too. Emphasis on helping clients meet objectives.