DVD Authoring & Menu Design

First impressions are critical to any relationship and excellent DVD authoring & menu design can go a long way to help you make a great first impression. We create custom-made, print and interactive display to introduce viewers to your video marketing material before they even put it in their computer.

DVD menu, covers, envelops & material can enhance the video marketing

But it’s not just printing the DVD cover and laser impressions on the DVD, once the media is placed in the DVD player or computer, we can create compelling three-dimensional menu spaces that engage your viewers draw them into your message and brand.

We can author your DVD to match your existing print and brand material or we can create something specifically for this project. We also can go the extra distance to manage the DVD duplication service and even handle of shipping the DVDs to your customers.

If you’re looking for a seamless production process from concept to delivery — call (914) 222-3346 for a free no obligation quote.