Recruitment, Orientation, Training, & Company Culture Videos

Employee Engagement Videos For HR & Executive Staff

Recruitment Videos Recruitment videos attract the best staff by showing off company culture, office life, and the hip people who work there. Sometimes the videos show off the town or location.

Staff testimonial helps prospective hires to get a feel for the people in the office.

Orientation Videos Today’s hires like to watch. We transform your orientation documentation and PowerPoint Presentations into engaging video through the use of motion graphics and the magic of cinema.

This video addressed employee concerns of an impending change at the company.

Training Videos Sometimes this is as simple as recording a training session that is occurring or sometimes we script, narrate, animate and then test the viewers before moving on.

They more they know, the more valuable they are. And no need to say the same things over and over again.

Culture & Communication Videos Videos can excite company culture and communicate vision. Or you may want quarterly Q&A between staff and the executive team to help with retention.

Communicating vision to remote offices is also good for culture – they don’t feel left out.

Employee Engagement Videos

Transform your orientation documentation and PowerPoint Presentations into engaging video through the use of motion graphics and the magic of cinema. Even if it’s as is as simple as recording a training session or broadcasting a talk live to all your retail locations — we do that too. We try to make it fun and efficient to communicate company culture & vision or to do whatever you want to do with video.

The Best Way To Get Started

Let us know some details about your objectives by phone or start here online and you will receive a proposal that you can show your colleagues within one or two business days. We look forward to helping.