When Options Group asked us webcast the highlights of their 2016|2017 Compensation report to their staff and partners in two weeks, it helped that we already know the ample things to think about right away — the invites, the registration and all the other...
For the third straight year, WPRNY has helped AtlasCorps to broadcast American Express Leadership Academy’s Global Alumni Summit from downtown NYC. This year’s Global Alumni Summit featured a conversation between Cheryl L. Dorsey, pioneering social...
Getting the word out live has it’s advantages, and when you package it like a TV broadcast, you’re going to get the engagement you’re looking for. Here we used a Tricaster mini switch and three HD cameras to live edit and broadcast this meeting in a...
As part of the AmexLeads series, WPRNY streamed this event live to internet viewers around the world who then participated in a twitter conversation during the event and after. Mr. Levy was chief executive during a transformative moment in the history of Lincoln...
On March 23rd we were happy to provide live web broadcasting for American Express Leadership Academy as they hosted the live keynote — The Future of Social Purpose Leadership. This lively discussion with two of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders”, Nancy Lublin,...
Here’s how we set up Wirecast to work with an HD camera, and a powerpoint presentation in big/little. We used HDMI out from our camera into a Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder, which transferred the signal from HDMI to Thunderbolt. * First make sure that you...
WPRNY recently steamed three live internet events for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. The reason the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation decided to host live events, as opposed to taping the events and posting them for viewing after the fact, was so that viewers would be...
Here are a list of definitions and terms that we use while broadcasting on the internet. SOT – Sound on Tape. This refers to what people often call a “sound bite”. It’s generally a short (8 second -30 second) moment of a person (generally a...
Calculating your bandwidth costs can be frustrating because many providers are not upfront or clear about these impending costs. It seems to be an area where ample mark-ups are charged. We investigated how bandwidth costs were charged by various providers and...
Thinking of hosting a webinar? Well, if you haven’t produced one before on your own, then make sure you have a good amount of time to prepare. Webinars can really be divided into three categories: planning, marketing and production. Each section is just as...
Webinar’s have become the new media for marketing and communication. Our clients have started to become interested in hosting webinars. From TD Ameritrade to Salesforce, webinars have become the ultimate marketing tool to individually communicate with clients. And...
Long distance learning has been around for some time now. The idea behind long distance learning is it is able to provide convenient access to educational courses online to those who either geographically or financially may not otherwise be able to attend. The...